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Just Like Me | L7 - Şarkı Sözü

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Alt 14 Eylül 2024, 23:17   #1
WoodStock 🤘☮
OkyanusunKalbi kullanıcısının Avatarı
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mektup Just Like Me | L7 - Şarkı Sözü

Just Like Me sözleri
Taime1 is a rock star
Just like me
Executives love him
Just like me
They all fill his coffee cup
Just like me
Sits back and drinks it up
So where's your dignity?

Faster, Faster, Faster2
Faster, Faster, Faster

Well Axl3 is a love god
Just like me
The girls all love him
Just like me
But he's so messed up
Just like me
Doesn't want to give it up
So where's his dignity?

Guns and, Guns and, Guns and4
Guns and, Guns and, Guns and

Well Vixen5 are love gods
Just like me
Pretty pretty sex things
Just like me
Dressed up and paid to play
I couldn't live that way
Hair spray and bustier6
Can't fool me

Vixen, Vixen, Vixen
Vixen, Vixen, Vixen

Slash7 is a love god
I know it's hard to believe
Boys all dig him
But boys are easy to please
He's got the bimbos swinging
Like monkeys in the trees
He's got his limos and money
So where's your dignity?

1. Taime Downe, singer of the sleaze rock band Faster Pussycat, named after the ultraviolent film "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" (Russ Meyer, 1965)
2. ...Pussycat
3. Axl Rose, singer of Guns'n'Roses
4. ...and Roses
5. All-female american glam-rock band
6. Garment for women, like a basque but shorter. It pushes the bust up but doesn't press the waist.
7. Main guitar of Guns'n'Roses, and his artistic name on his later solo career

Just Like Me sözleri
Taime1 is a rock star
Just like me
Executives love him
Just like me
They all fill his coffee cup
Just like me
Sits back and drinks it up
So where's your dignity?

Faster, Faster, Faster2
Faster, Faster, Faster

Well Axl3 is a love god
Just like me
The girls all love him
Just like me
But he's so messed up
Just like me
Doesn't want to give it up
So where's his dignity?

Guns and, Guns and, Guns and4
Guns and, Guns and, Guns and

Well Vixen5 are love gods
Just like me
Pretty pretty sex things
Just like me
Dressed up and paid to play
I couldn't live that way
Hair spray and bustier6
Can't fool me

Vixen, Vixen, Vixen
Vixen, Vixen, Vixen

Slash7 is a love god
I know it's hard to believe
Boys all dig him
But boys are easy to please
He's got the bimbos swinging
Like monkeys in the trees
He's got his limos and money
So where's your dignity?

1. Taime Downe, singer of the sleaze rock band Faster Pussycat, named after the ultraviolent film "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" (Russ Meyer, 1965)
2. ...Pussycat
3. Axl Rose, singer of Guns'n'Roses
4. ...and Roses
5. All-female american glam-rock band
6. Garment for women, like a basque but shorter. It pushes the bust up but doesn't press the waist.
7. Main guitar of Guns'n'Roses, and his artistic name on his later solo career



İçeriği Sosyalleştir

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